Relocation Services

We make sure that you soon feel at home again.

Our members offer a wide range of additional relocation services, which can be especially helpful and in some cases essential for your family when moving overseas.

Relocation Services

Relocation services include for example:

Finding a new home can be very time-consuming and stressful. This is especially true if you don’t yet know much about your new surroundings. Assistance in finding a home that meets your expectations and budget can be very beneficial. Supplementary services such as lease negotiations or specific contract preparation are also possible.

All these services will save you or your HR department a lot of time and money. The sooner your new home is found, the more likely it is that you will also be satisfied with it from the start and be able to get back to your daily routine.

If you are moving with your family, the education of your children is probably one of your main concerns. Excessive bureaucracy and unfamiliar legislation do not make that any easier for you.

Together with your AMARA relocation consultant, you can ensure that he or she understands your and your children’s concerns and finds the appropriate educational institution and/or daycare center in your new place of residence. This of course includes international, public as well as private schools.

An international move with animals is a special challenge and sometimes confronts emigrants with an administrative burden. Many countries have completely different regulations regarding health certificates. Some of them are stricter, some more lenient. In addition, some species have to be kept in quarantine for a while in some places.

Your relocation partner will be happy to inform you about these issues as well.

Auch Einreisebestimmungen können sehr kompliziert sein. Sie unterscheiden sich von Land zu Land und verändern sich regelmäßig. Diese Umstände erschweren das Durchschauen der Gesetze erheblich, ihr Nichteinhalten hat jedoch oftmals ernste Konsequenzen.

Durch die Einwanderungsservices Ihres AMARA-Unternehmens werden Sie maßgeblich bei der Abwicklung Ihrer Formalitäten von Anfang an unterstützt; auch Leistungen wie etwa die Verlängerung Ihres Visums oder Ihrer Arbeitserlaubnis sind möglich.


Entry requirements can also be very complicated. They differ from country to country and change regularly. These circumstances make it much more difficult to understand the laws, but failure to comply with them often has serious consequences.

Through the immigration services of your AMARA company, you will be significantly supported in handling your formalities from the very beginning; that also includes services such as the extension of your visa or working permit.

If you want to be successful in your professional life in your destination country/place and integrate quickly, it is important that you understand the language and culture of your new home.

Many of our members offer comprehensive intercultural training as part of their relocation services to make it easier for you and your family to quickly settle back in after a move.

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